Publications & Newsletters

Other Publications

  • Research Integrity: A Guide for Research Postgraduate Students at The University of Hong Kong to provide a general overview of research integrity and related themes as well as offer some practical advice for the good conduct of academic research.
  • Preparing and Submitting Your Thesis: A Guide for MPhil and PhD Students that makes recommendations for the format and style of presentation of theses which go beyond the formal stipulations in the University regulations and provides ideas and suggestions on what makes for a well-presented thesis and what does not.
  • Plagiarism: A Guide for Research Postgraduate Students that informs students about plagiarism and how to acknowledge the ideas or work of others in academic writing for preventing plagiarism.  (Please also read the University's website on plagiarism.)
  • How to Prepare Thesis Proposal: A Guide for MPhil and PhD Students that highlights the process in preparing a research proposal and basic elements that should be included. 
  • Essential Skills for Graduating Students: A series of booklets written for senior PhD students who are soon to embark on the early stages of their post-PhD careers.  The topics of the seven booklets are career management, networking, time management, team work, leadership, critical thinking and resilience.   They have been carefully chosen to support the early career development in a holistic manner. 
  • Overcoming Common Obstacles to PhD Progress: A booklet that provides the strategies for dealing with the common obstacles to progress which include procrastination, losing motivation, feeling alone and isolated, feeling not good enough, expecting perfectionism, coping with full-time work and part-time study.