Prospective Students

High Quality Supervision

High Quality Supervision

At HKU, supervisors are dedicated to providing guidance and support to their research postgraduate students in the pursuit of research excellence.


To Find a Supervisor

To find a thesis supervisor or the research information of specific academic staff, please click here. To discuss your research interest, please contact the relevant staff/department/school concerned.

Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award

Every year, the Outstanding Research Student Supervisor Award is granted in recognition of supervisors of research postgraduate students whose guidance has been of particular help to their students in the pursuit of research excellence. Click here to see the list of supervisors who have received the award over the years.


What Our Students Say*

"Dr Chow has been an excellent mentor, teacher and supervisor. As a research postgraduate student under her supervision, I have been inspired by her passion for research and teaching. Dr Chow is not only knowledgeable in research methodology, she teaches us to ask constructive research questions that can benefit the society. I have learned more under the supervision of Dr Chow than I have in any classroom through her method of experiential learning where we all have hands-on experience with data sets, teaching tutorials, research and literature review. The successful experience in muddling through the process develops our confidence to move on our own studies."

PhD student of Dr Amy Y.M. CHOW, 
Dept of Social Work and Social Administration


“Professor Loo’s approach has been extremely useful in helping me accustoming myself quickly to the standards and expectations of academia.  Within the first year of my doctoral studies, I already made three presentations at local and overseas conferences.  This experience, made possible by Professor Loo, is important because it has helped me recognize my potential as a productive research student.”

Alice CHOW, 
PhD student of Professor Becky P.Y. LOO, 
Dept of Geography





 “Professor Chan pays considerable effort in encouraging her students to take part in her research projects and providing her students with sponsorship to attend international conferences so as to enable her students to explore the cutting edge of science and develop networks for collaboration with international experts.  Her passion for research has influenced us and given us positive reinforcement to work hard, while enjoying the learning process.  I am deeply impressed by her spirit of never giving up.”

David C.N. WONG, 
PhD Student of Professor Sophia S.C. CHAN, 
School of Nursing


"Professor Zhou has extensive contacts with research institutes and universities in China and countries in the West, enabling some of his students to gain research experience in laboratories in addition to those at HKU.  For instance, I had several opportunities to work in laboratories in the United States and China as part of my PhD studies, which were very useful in establishing links to researchers that I am currently collaborating with.”

PhD student of Professor Meifu ZHOU, 
Dept of Earth Sciences





"Dr Shih’s passion of interacting with students, generous office hours in helping student’s learning difficulties, efforts in quality course development, and innovative teaching methods are surely a great lesson for us who will also be teachers in the future ."

Yuanyuan TANG, 
PhD student of Dr Kaimin SHIH, 
Dept of Civil Engineering



* Extracted from students' citations published in the programme book of HKU Award Presentation Ceremony for Excellence in Teaching and Research.