
December 8, 2016

PhD Candidates Receive Universitas 21 Graduate Research Project Grants

With the aim to enable doctoral candidates to develop and implement international research collaborations within its network, Universitas 21 (U21) launched a pilot Graduate Research Project Grants scheme in 2016. The results of the Grants have recently been announced, and three projects led by HKU PhD candidates or supervisors have been awarded:

Project Title: 
Representation of tone and rhythm in Asian and African languages

Project Team Members from HKU:
Yiu Suet Yee Suki (PhD Candidate, School of Humanities (Linguistics))
Professor Diana Archangeli (School of Humanities (Linguistics))

Collaborating Institutions:
The Ohio State University
The University of British Columbia

Yiu Suet Yee and Dr D. Archangeli
(From left) Professor Diana Archangeli and Suki Yiu

Project Title:
A Study of the Microbiome on Smartphone Touchscreens in the Households of Psoriasis Subjects

Project Team Members from HKU:
Yan Kang (PhD Candidate, School of Public Health)
Yao Xiaoxin (PhD Candidate, School of Public Health)
Dr Hei Man Herbert Pang (School of Public Health)

Collaborating Institutions:
The Ohio State University
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
University of Glasgow

Yan Kang
(From left) Yao Xiaoxin, Dr Herbert Pang and Yan Kang

Project Title:
Mobility, Migration and the Family: Establishing the U21 Asia Pacific Graduate Student Network on Family Migration

Project Team Members from HKU:
Ridgway Alexandra (PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology)
Professor Karen Joe Laidler (Department of Sociology)

Collaborating Institutions:
National University of Singapore
The University of Queensland
The University of Auckland

Alexandra Ridgway 

Professor Karen Joe Laidler
Professor Karen Joe Laidler