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Laboratory Open House 2020-21 (2nd semester)

Date Time Venue
March 1 - May 31, 2021
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Dear UG exchange students and non-local UG students,

I hope that you are staying safe and healthy at HKU.   I am now writing to encourage you to consider pursuing at HKU, PhD or MPhil programmes fundable by Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS).   Please note that the deadline for applications in the 1st Clearing Round is April 30, 2021.   The University has also extended the application period of the prestigious and generous HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) to the Clearing Rounds with cut-off dates on April 30 and August 31, 2021, respectively.   Candidates shortlisted for consideration of the HKU-PS awards will be invited to attend an interview.    Please click here for details.

In this Semester 2, you will be provided an opportunity to meet HKU Principal Investigators (potential RPg supervisors) and visit their labs to initiate discussions on MPhil/PhD studies.

Please click here for information on research areas of PIs and their email addresses.

If you are interested, please do send an email to the PI (with your name, Faculty/Department, year and current study programme at HKU) to arrange for a visit.

Wishing you every success in your studies and a rewarding stay at HKU!

Best wishes,
Dong-Yan JIN
Associate Dean, Graduate School
Clara and Lawrence Fok Professor in Precision Medicine
The University of Hong Kong