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Laboratory Open House 2020-21 (1st semester)

Date Time Venue
November 1 - 30, 2020
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Dear UG exchange students and non-local UG students,

I hope that you are staying safe and healthy at HKU. I would like to encourage you to consider pursuing PhD/MPhil studies at HKU in the coming years. We want the best international research postgraduate students and are offering the following fellowships and scholarships that are most generous and decent.

-           HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (HKU-PS)
            Up to around HK$414,000 in the first year, and up to around HK$394,000 in each of the subsequent years during the normative study period.  (Please click here for more information)

-           Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) Scheme#
            Same package as HKU-PS (All HKPF holders will be concurrently awarded the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship) (For details, please visit: http://www.rgc.edu.hk/hkphd)

-           University Postgraduate Fellowships (UPF)
            At least HK$233,860 per year*

-           Postgraduate Scholarships (PGS)
            At least HK$216,360 per year

#HKPF awardees will not be concurrently awarded UPF and PGS
*Combined value of UPF and PGS

Application periods for the Main Round Admissions in 2021-22 are as follows:

Hong Kong PhD Fellowships (HKPF)
Initial application to the Research Grants Council: Now – December 1, 2020 noon
Full application to HKU: Now – December 1, 2020

Main round application
Now – December 1, 2020

To provide you an opportunity to learn about MPhil/PhD research in laboratory-based subjects, the Graduate School together with the Admissions and Academic Liaison Section will continue to hold a “Laboratory Open House” in this academic year 2020-21.  In this Semester 1, you will be provided an opportunity to meet HKU Principal Investigators (your potential MPhil/PhD supervisors) and visit their labs to initiate discussions on MPhil/PhD studies. 

Please click here for information on research areas of PIs and their email addresses.

If you are interested, please do send an email to the PI (with your name, Faculty/Department, year and current study programme at HKU) to arrange for a visit. 

Wishing you success in your studies and a rewarding stay at HKU! 

Best wishes,

Dong-Yan JIN
Associate Dean, Graduate School
Clara and Lawrence Fok Professor in Precision Medicine
The University of Hong Kong