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Dialogue with Croucher Innovation Awardee, Dr Hayden So

Date Time Venue
March 23, 2017
12:45 pm – 1:45 pm P501, Graduate House

Dialogues between Croucher Innovation Awardees & RPg students 

The Graduate School is pleased to offer opportunities for informal interactions between RPg students and Croucher Innovation Awardees, which aim at contributing to the development of critical questioning and thinking skills among RPg students in the emerging world of open innovation.  Through these exchanges, the Awardees will share their experience and insights in innovative research, which also echoes one of the 3 ‘I’ strategies of HKU – “internationalisation, innovation and interdisciplinarity”.

Here is the second session of the dialogue series:

Dr Hayden Kwok-Hay SO
Recipient of the Croucher Innovation Award 2013
Associate Professor (Teaching), Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, HKU

Thinking within the Box
There’s a common saying that one has to think outside the box in order to be creative.  In this sharing session, Dr So will argue how simply thinking outside the box is not enough to lead to true innovation.   He will explain why one must understand what the box is and where its boundaries are, and be versatile to go inside and outside the box as needed.  He will also talk about his experience working in the area of reconfigurable computing, sharing how a casual dialogue with his research advisor has eventually turned into more than a decade of exciting research.

Online registration at EMS for RPg students:

Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.  Don’t miss this great opportunity to get aspired!

Graduate School Office
Tel: 2857 3470
Email: gradsch@hku.hk
Graduate School Website: http://www.gradsch.hku.hk